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September 30, 2019
Welcome New Directors

Four new members were elected to the Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation’s Board of Directors at the recent September 25 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Board members bring valuable knowledge and experience and will help guide the Foundation in the coming years.

The new Directors are:

Nancy Chase

Nancy Chase, CPA, CA, CIA, CGAP, CRMA

Business Unit Leader, Regions East Advisory
and Partner, Risk Consulting, KPMG LLP

Michèle Galipeau

Michèle Galipeau, CPA, CA

Auditor General of the City of Montreal

B. Jane MacAdam

B. Jane MacAdam, CPA, CA

Auditor General of Prince Edward Island

Steve Marcotte

Steve Marcotte, CPA, CA

Partner, Assurance, PwC National Capital Region

At the organization meeting of the Board following the AGM, Directors appointed the following officers:


Evangeline Colman-Sadd, CPA, CA

Auditor General of the Halifax Regional Municipality


Terry Paddon, CPA, CA

Terry Paddon, CPA, CA

Former Auditor General of Newfoundland and Labrador

Board committees were also re-constituted. Member lists for each committee can be accessed here. A list of the full Board, including Director biographies, is available on our website.

A Special Thank You to our Outgoing Chair and Directors

June 26 marked the final Board meeting for outgoing Chair Jim Sylph, as well directors as Bill Kessels, Kim MacPherson and Michel Samson. All four joined the Board in 2013, and each of them has brought a unique and invaluable perspective and contribution to the Board over the past six years.

They were each asked to provide a final farewell message about the Foundation and its progress over the past few years, as well as their thoughts on its future:

James M. Sylph

James M. Sylph, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D

Independent Consultant, Ewing Change Inc.

“It has been my honour to serve as a Board member for six years. It has been a turbulent period – a change in office location, changes in senior staff, challenges in funding operations and a change of name. But more importantly, from an output perspective, we have seen great success in program production and delivery. Completion of our successful international five-year program has been followed by winning an extended seven-year program with Global Affairs Canada that is now in its second year. With a skeleton staff, I am proud of the manner in which the team meets the needs of all its interest groups – the legislative auditors, public accounts committees, the international auditor general community, and increasingly in recent years, Canada’s growing municipal audit community.”

Bill Kessels

Bill Kessels, CPA, CA, CMC, CISA, CIA

Public Sector Risk Leader and British Columbia Advisory Leader, Ernst & Young LLP

“It is hard to believe that six years has passed since I first joined the Board of the CAAF. As I look back over this time, there are a few things that stand out:

  • The fellow Board members that I have had the privilege to work with: Being able to work with these esteemed colleagues on tough issues has been a wonderful learning experience, and I have made some great friends in the process.
  • The CAAF team: This group of professionals certainly “punches above their weight” in the contributions that they make domestically and internationally in the areas of audit, accountability and oversight.
  • The strategic plan: Working to develop a refreshed strategic plan early in my tenure was a great way to focus on the objectives of the organization and the tangible activities that it could undertake to achieve them.
  • The rebranding: Moving from the CCAF to the CAAF may appear to be swapping one letter for another, however the importance of updating our branding to replace “comprehensive audit” with “Audit and Accountability” cannot be understated. It clearly defines the mandate of the organization using terminology that will be understood by the auditors of today and tomorrow.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on this Board and wish the CAAF continued success in the future. As a practitioner and member, I will continue to rely on the Foundation for practical and relevant guidance in this ever-changing world.”

Kim MacPherson

Kim MacPherson, FCPA CA, ICD.D

Auditor General of New Brunswick

“The accomplishments of the Foundation over the last six years are numerous and largely a result of the competent and committed team now led by John Reed. The Foundation has made great progress on both the domestic and international files. I was especially pleased and very relieved when the seven-year Global Affairs Canada international development agreement was finally approved. My most valued personal benefit is that of the many networking opportunities and learnings from many committed professionals I have met during my six-year term. I believe the future of CAAF is promising and would like to wish staff as well as the Board of Directors all the best in furthering the Foundation's impact in Canada and abroad.”

Michel Samson

Michel Samson, FCPA auditor, FCA

Auditor General, Ville de Québec

“I have been fortunate to serve as a member of the Foundation’s Board for six years. I have also chaired the International Capacity Building Committee and been a member of the Governance Committee. During my time here, three things have stood out for me as important events for the Foundation:

  • The strategic plan framework, adopted shortly after I joined the Board, which guides the Foundation’s activities;
  • Changes in the annual membership fee structure to provide for a fair and equitable collection of contributions to reflect members’ ability to pay;
  • The renewal of the international program with Global Affairs Canada.

The Board’s discussions have always been interesting and productive. This is not only due to our Board members who have brought a diversity of skills and experience to the table, but also because each member has been able to put aside their own personal interests and act in the best interest of the Foundation. The Board Chair plays a crucial role in this, and Jim Sylph has always done a fine job leading and guiding our meetings, while allowing everyone to express themselves.

The Foundation has an excellent reputation. In the past few years, we have come to work more closely with the municipal sector, and this is a niche where our Foundation can really add value. Finally, I want to salute the professionalism and thoroughness of the Foundation staff, guided very skilfully by John Reed.”

The Board extends its appreciation and gratitude to these four individuals for their service over the past six years. In particular, it acknowledges the diligence and hard work of Mr. Sylph, who has served as Chair of the Board since 2016. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.