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Performance Audit Resources

Our resources help public sector performance auditors build capacity and strengthen accountability. These resources include CCAF-FCVI Audit News, Training, Research & Methodology and Events & Presentations.

PAC/Oversight Resources

CCAF’s oversight program supports oversight committee members and their support staff. We provide research, material and professional development workshops to oversight committees both in Canada and abroad.

Our support enables parliamentarians to become familiar with their role and improve the effectiveness of their committees. This includes information on understanding performance audit, and how these audits can help improve public administration.

International Development Program

CCAF works with Canadian partners to provide capacity building support for the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and parliamentary oversight committees of selected developing countries.
  1. Performance Audit Resources
  2. PAC/Oversight Resources
  3. International Development Program

Les attributs d’un CCP efficace

Ouvrages consultés

ReferencesCCAF-FCVI Inc. (2006). La surveillance parlementaire :  les comités et leurs liens. Guide visant le renforcement des comités des comptes publics. Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).

CCAF-FCVI Inc. (2008). « Towards the Public Accounts Committee of the Future: Two CCAF-FCVI Inc. Studies on PAC Effectiveness », présenté en 2007 à la séance John J. Kelly (séance conjointe du Conseil canadien des vérificateurs législatifs et du Conseil canadien des comités des comptes publics), Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).

CCAF-FCVI Inc. (2010). L’état des comités des comptes publics au Canada, rapport du sondage mené auprès des comités des comptes publics au Canada par la CCAF-FCVI, l’Institut de la Banque mondiale et le cabinet KPMG, Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).

Chibesakunda, N. M. (2002). Parliamentary Oversight of Finance and the Budgetary Process: Report of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Workshop, December 10 to 14, 2001. (CPA Secretariat, Ed.), Nairobi (Kenya), Clerk of the National Assembly.

Hedger, Edward, and Andrew Blick. (9 juin 2008). Enhancing Accountability for the Use of Public Sector Resources: How to Improve the Effectiveness of Public Accounts Committees, document d’information en vue de la 2008 Triennial Conference of Commonwealth Auditors General, Overseas Development Institute, Londres.

House of Representatives. (12 mars 2008). A Report: Third Annual Summer School for Parliamentary Public Accounts Committees, Practices, Procedures and Relationships, organisé par le Public Sector Governance and Accountability Research Centre les 3-14 février 2008, Melbourne VIC (Australie), La Trobe University.

Jones, Kate, et Kerry Jacobs. (2005). Governing the Government: The Paradoxical Place of the Public Accounts Committee, document présenté à la Australasian Study of Parliament Group Conference par le Public Sector Governance and Accountability Research Centre, Melbourne VIC (Australie), La Trobe University.

Jacobs, Kerry, Kate Jones, et David Smith. (2006). “Public Accounts Committees in Australasia: The State of Play”, document présenté par le Public Sector Governance and Accountability Research Centre, Melbourne VIC (Australie), La Trobe University.

Laver, John Poynton. (février 1997). The Public Accounts Committee: Pursuing Probity and Efficiency in the Australian Public Service, The Origins, Work, Nature and Purpose of the Commonwealth's Public Accounts Committee, thèse de doctorat, Canberra (Australie), University of Canberra.

Nova Scotia Public Accounts Committee. (2008). Mandat du comité des comptes publics, obtenu le 24 juillet 2008 du site Web : http://www.gov.ns.ca/legislature/committees/accounts.html.

Pelizzo, Riccardo, and Rick Stapenhurst. (janvier 2006). Public Accounts Committees, collection Social Sciences and Humanities Working Paper, Singapour, Singapore Management University.

Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. Twenty-sixth Legislature. (20 janvier 2009). Hansard Verbatim Report, no 14, procès-verbal permanent et officiel des délibérations, Regina (Saskatchewan, Canada), publié sous l’autorisation de l’honorable Don Toth, président de l’Assemblée législative de la Saskatchewan.